Embedding artificial intelligence into Medical Devices

AI in Medical Devices
Medtech is a field where AI is bringing considerable progress and a direct impact on people's life expectancy and quality of life.
The data generated by medical devices can open doors to new therapies and/or patient insights.
Kantify’s journey in the biomedical sector started by developing an AI solution (in collaboration with Universite Libre de Bruxelles) that can predict an episode of Atrial Fibrillation before it occurs, based on medical device data. We achieved a world-first in predicting this pathology.
How we collaborate with MedTech companies
We work with MedTech companies and research centers that have the following projects:
Understand the possible use cases for their data: We help companies understand if their data can be used, and for which use cases. We usually include an analysis of the possible regulatory approval constraints, and the technical consequences in terms of AI model validation.
Develop new and innovative uses of artificial intelligence in the MedTech field: AI is opening the door to many new ways to bring care to patients and clinicians. We help innovators understand what is possible, and build a solid solution that complies with the Medical Device Regulation and other applicable regulation (IVD, GDPR).
An example: Kantify's breakthrough research on Atrial Fibrillation
Whether we know it or not, we all know someone who is affected by Atrial Fibrillation (also known as AF or AFib). With 33M patients estimated in Europe and North America, Atrial Fibrillation is a growing disease with a high health and societal impact: leading to blood clots, kidney problems, heart failure, and kidney failure dementia.
In collaboration with a renowned cardiologist and the AI laboratory of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Kantify has discovered a breakthrough algorithm to diagnose and predict Atrial Fibrillation. The Kantify AI-based model can both detect and predict Atrial Fibrillation based on ECG (Electrocardiogram) data.
This model has not only a higher AUC (Area Under the Curve) than existing models in terms of Atrial Fibrillation diagnosis, but it can also predict when an Atrial Fibrillation episode will happen. This prediction capability is what makes Kantify’s discovery unique. Therefore, this breakthrough has been accepted and published by international scientific journals.
More Information
AI in Medtech is a fascinating field with a lot of untapped potential. If you are active in the MedTech industry and looking to use Artificial intelligence, leave us your contact details. We will get back in touch in full confidentiality.