Kantify CEO speaking at AI Forum Europe 2018
Kantify is selected to speak at the AI Forum Europe, a high level conference with big technology players present
Tue 02 Oct 2018

We are honored to announce that our CEO Segolene Martin has been invited to AI Forum Europe, a high-level conference about the European strategy for AI. In a context where many countries over the world are identifying AI as a key political priority, Segolenene will present the perspective of fast innovating technology players of the AI Ecosystem.
Speakers in the conference include:
- Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment, and Competitiveness, European Commission
- Nikos Pappas, Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, Greece
- Lucilla Sioli, Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- His Excellency Omar Bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Government of the United Arab Emirates
- Stephane Negre, President, Intel France;
- ....And others.
A summary of the event will be available in our next Kantify newsletter.
Read more about the initiative at AI Forum Europe.